February 23 "The Ten Posts: Fenced but Free" (Romans 3:20; 8:1-8: Galatians 3:23-27)

Weekly Offering

This is the list of funds and causes we are supporting.

Offering Schedule


2: Faith Ministries

9: Ralph Reeder Food Shelf


23: Dwelling Place


2: Faith Ministries

9: New Life

16: Mission Partnership

23: Avail Academy

30: Resonate Global Mission

Regularly Supported Ministries

Local Ministries:

Denominational Ministries:

Internal Ministry Support:

  • Faith Ministries -- Supports the day-to-day expenses and operating costs of Faith Church.
  • Mission Partnership -- Supports our missionaries, including missionaries in Japan, the Nehemiah Center in Nicaragua, and New Life Fellowship (our Southeast Asian sister church that worships at Faith).
  • Benevolence -- This fund is used to assist those experiencing financial insecurity.